Tuesday, September 8, 2009

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This is a unique paper which presents a way to describe the architecture of software-intensive systems. One of the important aspects of this work is its implementation of several large projects, and the ability of various stakeholders such as system architects to look at it from different perspectives. The focus on addressing large implementations of projects where a single blueprint may not suffice is a selling point of this paper. The seminal nature of this work and its implementation over a long period of time makes me dig out practically no demerits of this work.

I also felt that example for the logical view in Figure 3a showing the logical blueprint of Telic PABX was a bit unclear. Furthermore, the process view seems to be very well suited to take into account the non functional requirements etc, which are an important aspect of software intensive systems. A systematic understanding of the system is obtained by the intentional suppressing and displaying of specific information in each view. Practical aspects in the development of software intensive systems are also taken into account using the collaboration diagrams and overall I really have nothing but a deep sense of admiration and praise for this work.

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