Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Making memories

Before anything else I would like to say that I was lost in the way the discussion segued from a discussion about the workflow of LPS to the author's frustation with the directory structure of different deployment scenarios. Also in the same vein, it is not clear why the development has to be tied down to agile software development and the reasons for it are not clear. Even though I am not an expert with Spring, there is a general consensus that Spring is useful when patterns are present. If a particular problem fits a pattern then we could use it otherwise it is not advisable to look for ways to apply all possible patterns. To comment on the overall theme of this chapter, I like the way the entire description has unfolded from a discussion about the fundamental forces governing the creation center architecture like the business and its context.

I also like the philosophy of "Fail Fast, Fail Loudly" that has been applied in the render engine. In the UI design I think that the policy of separating the visual appearance of a screen from the logical manipulation of its properties was a good decision in its implementation. In addition the ability of forms to capture not only type-value relationships but also metadata is an important factor contributing to the clean model of the user interface. I also agree with the author's assessment that the property-binding architecture was one of the significant aspects of the architecture that was developed in the work. Finally, I believe that the selling point of the experience involved was the ability to "sell" the software to studio executives with much of the underlying complexity or "plumbing", as the author puts it, removed.

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